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10 Vegan Brussels Sprouts Recipes You Must Try Today

As a kid I could not stand anything about brussels sprouts. Perhaps it was the way my mother prepared them, streamed with a little salt and pepper. Prepare brussels sprouts like that and I’ll still avoid them. I classify brussels sprouts as the misunderstood vegetable. All anyone says about them is that they smell awful. But the great thing about them is that you can prepare them so many different ways and they have a different taste every time. One of my favorite ways to eat them is steamed with soy sauce.
Here are 10 different brussels sprouts recipes that you will love.
1. Sweet and Spicy Brussels Sprouts with Tofu and Shiitake Mushrooms
Via Yumly
2. Roasted Brussels Sprouts Skewers with Lemon-Thyme Dipping Sauce
Via Vegetarian Times
3. Brussel Sprout Fried Rice
4.Quick Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Coconut Ginger Sauce
Via Cookie + Kate
5. Caramelized Brussels Sprouts
Via The Vegan Road
6. Brussels sprout kimchi tacos w/ (cashew) miso crema
7. Roasted Brussels Sprouts w/ Balsamic Vinegar
8. Pomegranate Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Red Grapes and Farro
Via Taste Food
9. “Pot-Stuck” Brussels Sprouts
Via Food52